Copyright and use of Images at the British Film Website

Thank you for taking time to read this page. We have endeavoured to the best of our ability to gain copyright permission for all the content used on this website that has not been originated by us. However, due to the nature of the subject it is inevitable that some may have slipped through that we do not have permission to display. When dealing with cinema, particularly old cinema such as that covered by this website, much material comes from old flea markets, antique shops and so on. In these cases it is not always possible to be certain of where content originated from or who, if anyone, still owns the copyright.

Above all the film pages of this site are intended to be an non-profit making educational and cultural resource celebrating the golden age of British Cinema. With this in mind we would ask your indulgence and if we have mistakenly published content which you own the copyright to and wish removed from our site please contact us by email here stating which content is causing offence and we will remove the offending material immediately.

If this has happened we crave your understanding and beg forgiveness for our oversight.

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